
Wulanda Recreation & Convention Centre – 7 Margaret Street, Mount Gambier

Tuesday 4 June 2024 – Printable version of the program

If you attended this Network Meeting, we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on the event. Answer our quick survey.

9.15am Registration and Tea/Coffee
9.30am Welcome and PLSA Update
9.40am State Library of SA Update – Geoff Strempel, Director, State Library
10.10am Public Library Services Update – Hanlie Erasmus, Associate Director, State Library
10.40am Sponsor Presentation – Dean Parker, Marketing Manager, RAECO –
10.50am Morning Tea
11.10am Presentation on Narrm Ngarrgu Library – Anne-Maree Pfabe, Manager, City of Melbourne Libraries – download the presentation (8Mb)
12.10pm Library of Things – Talk and QA – Sally Mann, Team Leader Library Operations, Mount Gambier Library and Angela Berney, Team Leader, Onkaparinga Libraries
12.50pm Sponsor Presentation – Corey Bancks, Managing Director, MDM Entertainment –

Introducing Wonderbook

12.55pm Lunch and Networking
1.35pm Words Grow Minds – How the pilot worked in Mount Gambier and ideas for the network going forward – Julia Jones, Director, Operations & Early Years, Raising Literacy Australia
2.15pm Firstival Update – Jon Bentick, Communications Project Officer, PLS
2.30pm Wrap Up
2.35pm Tour of Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre followed by a Tour of the Mount Gambier Library (Optional)

*Public Libraries SA would like to thank our sponsors for this Network Meeting. Please take the opportunity to speak to them during the breaks to learn more about their services and products which can enhance the service you provide to your community.


MDM Entertainment
